Clearly & Consistently Communicate With Your Spirit Guides & Understand Your Intuitive Messages

Finally trust your intuition, stop the second-guessing, and have confidence in your Spiritual Gifts

Yes I want this! Show me how!

You're here to fulfill your purpose and use your spiritual gifts to help others.


As a spiritual and ambitious soul, you want to...


 Open your Intuition and open your spiritual abilities

 Clearly connect to your Intuition & Spirit Guides

Understand & trust your Intuitive messages

Feel confident in making aligned decisions in life and business.

 Control & shield yourself from other people's energy

 Make sense of your messages and hone them in an organized, clear, concise way.


I'm sure you've already been looking for a way to easily receive, have clarity, confidence, and trust in the Intuitive messages you get while having a support system to get you there. 

I know, that YOU know, connecting to your Intuition & Spirit Guides is the missing key that will allow you to align with your life purpose, attract financial abundant opportunities in your life, and raise your vibration to the next level.

Connecting to your Spirit Helpers and Intuitive Side gives you a sense of relief, because you can feel that you’re divinely guided and aren't alone. And finally feeling guided in your decisions can be life changing. (Hearing from your Loved Ones in Spirit is pretty cool, too.)

Here's what you


When you consistently make your Intuition a priority and learn the right techniques to clearly communicate with your Spirit Guides, you can:


    Even if you already love what you do, or have NO IDEA what your Life purpose IS, accurately receiving Intuitive Guidance gives you insight to make changes in your life and business so that you can fully live in your purpose and make what you've been dreaming about a reality.

    You’ll no longer have to second-guess yourself, your intuition, or your decisions! You can confidently move forward on your path instead of getting stuck in "I-don't-know-what-to-do-so-I-won't-do-anything” syndrome.  Finally trust the messages you receive!

    Your vibration becomes lighter, so you start attracting relationships and opportunities that are in alignment with your new mindset, energy, and vibration. Your Spirit Helpers help create aligned opportunities for you, and then guide you to them through your intuition. When you remove blocks and increase your self-value, you start to see financial opportunities appear, too! SCORE! This alone can be LIFE CHANGING.

    When you consistently work with your Spirit Guides, you develop a rock solid relationship with them.  When you’re connected to your Guides, they help laser focus your clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and/or claircognizance channels, so you no longer feel confused, fearful, or anxious that you are getting the right messages. Your intuitive messages are streamlined.

    No more energy vampires, please! When you use the right techniques, you protect yourself from energy drain and can experience an increase in your energy levels. 

    When you understand how to receive Intuitive messages from your Guides, you can also receive messages from your Loved Ones in Spirit. You might choose to start delivering messages to other people, too! Additional revenue stream anyone?

Even though it's obvious why you want to open your Intuition and understand what your Spirit Guides are saying, the path to doing it can be confusing AF!

I got a sign from Spirit! YES!

What does it mean?

Did I make it up or was it really intuitive?

How the heck do I do it and make sense of what I'm getting?


If you’re still reading, then I don’t have to tell you that it can be butterflies-in-your-tummy-exciting to develop your Intuition to talk to your Spirit Guides!

You can't wait to see, hear, feel, and know Spirit is around you.

And if you're already seeing, hearing, or feeling their messages, you're eager to learn techniques to hone your intuition so you can understand WTF they are saying!

If you're really serious about developing your intuition, you've probably already invested in meditations, retreats, readings, and books, but you haven't found a step-by-step system that teaches you:

  • How your intuition works for you and access it on demand;

  • How to talk to your Spirit Guides;

  • How to receive and understand your Intuitive messages without all the fluff, BS, and nonsense.

Ugh... that’s left you trying to piece a system together and figuring everything out on your own.

Most people just shove their intuition on the back burner because they can't trust or understand their messages without a clear structure in place.

Self-doubt creeps in and smashes all of the excitement into fear, frustration, and trust-crushing confusion.

Here's why most people don't succeed in receiving Spirit messages:

Without the right techniques, consistency, and support for all the questions that come up along the way, when starting out on their Spiritual journey, talking to Spirit can be kinda scary. When they feel like they have ZERO guidance, it's just easier to give up. Without a step-by-step, no BS plan, most Intuitives are completely lost.

Here's why this blocks your Intuition:

You've finally committed to making your Intuition and receiving Spirit messages a priority, which can positively and radically change your life direction. However, at the moment of confusion, frustration, and lack of support by people that don't understand you and think this is all woo-woo nonsense, it's almost impossible to get back on track.

Let's be honest:

Overwhelm is real. If it's complicated, you aren't gonna do it.

You're already feeling drained, overwhelmed, and trying to start/grow your business with time-sucking tasks... you don't have TIME or the mental energy to figure this out on your own. It takes way too much time to piece together YouTube videos (like those Wayne Dyer meditations), Netflix specials (like Brene Brown's mindset talk) or Hay House books. Maybe if you buy more crystals, oracle card decks, and binge watch Hollywood Medium long enough, you'll become more Intuitive through osmosis, but it's doubtful.

At least you have your podcast episodes and Reiki sessions to help.

You need someone that will teach you how this works and that you can ask questions to.

When you have the right basics down, you can grow your Intuition and Spirit connection day after day, week after week, and year after year, and confidently receive your messages.

There's no more confusion about which steps to take so you can stop feeling like you are suffocating in a box waiting for the change you want to so badly make that never comes. 

That is... if you can avoid the 8 biggest BLOCKS that stop sensitives from connecting and receiving messages from their Spirit Guides.

I'm ready to see what's included!


"I don't have the time." 

Whoa, this is a big one, and it's probably the most common excuse when it comes to Intuition. Intuitive seekers fail to make the time to actually do the exercises, and therefore do not create consistency with their Spirit Guides. 

They automatically assume that it's gonna take hours and hours of meditation or reading, and they just don't think they can add any more to their plate. (Oh, I SO get this one. I used to feel that way, too.)

Here's the truth:

Talking to your Spirit Guides can take as little as 15 minutes a day! Plus,  4 Intuitive Languages® is designed for you to go at your own pace after the Modules are unlocked each week. You'll also get lifetime access to the program.

Your new mantra: I make time for myself. My time is valuable.


"I don't have the money."

When you say, "I don't have the money," you are creating a thought-based limit for yourself. This prevents you from EVER getting to the next level. 

Now, if you are really struggling to put food on the table, then don't take this program. 

But if you are feeling uncomfortable breaking through a new limit, it might be time to push out of your comfort zone.

Before doing inner work, I didn't understand the value of investing in myself because I had worthiness blocks.

Your new mantra: I am worthy of abundance. I invest in myself.


"I feel embarrassed spending money on my spiritual hobby."

Some spiritual seekers put everyone else first, and may feel embarrassed telling their spouse and family they are taking money out of the family budget work on their Intuition. While we are born with spiritual abilities, it doesn't mean we know how to use them. We actually need training, techniques, and guidance because they don't teach this stuff in school.

When you think about all the time you've wasted in anxiety mode worrying what's the right next step to take, and all those extra hours it took to recharge after you helped that last needy person, you could've saved all that time by just learning how to prevent this in the first place and fill up your own cup.

Its time to PUT YOURSELF AND YOUR INTUITION FIRST. It's not selfish, and it's about darn time. In fact, when you receive an Intuitive feeling to tell your spouse to apply for that new job that Spirit told you he/she would get, and they do... they will be thanking you for sure!

Your new mantra: When I am aligned spiritually, all areas of my life are aligned.


Mindset Mahem: "You have to be special to do this. I wasn't born with it. I don't see Spirit. I can't clear my Mind."

Everyone has the ability to be Intuitive and communicate with their Spirit Guides. Everyone can receive Intuitive messages, and you don't have to have a "special ability," to do so. Intuition is a natural ability for everyone, you just need the right tools to tap into it, hone/control it, understand what you are getting, and TRUST the process.

Just because you don't see Spirit, doesn't mean you are doing something wrong. You can totally receive Intuitive messages WITHOUT seeing Spirit. You can also learn to clear your Mind in 5 seconds.

You've gotta stop saying "I can't do this," because I KNOW YOU CAN. You just need to have the desire and willingness to do it! YOU ARE UNIQUE. YOU CAN DO THIS! It's time for massive shifts in mindset and spiritual growth!

Your new mantra: I am connected to my Intuition.


"I'm empathic, I'll be too open. I'm already getting messages."

I've got good news! Once you learn the right protection techniques, you aren't drained! Talking with Spirit should never drain you. In fact, talking to Spirit can give you a little boost of energy and your Spirit Guides help adjust your sensitivity so you aren't "on" all the time.

You've GOT to get some great techniques and have good energy boundaries to start feeling more balanced and centered...especially if you work or have to interact with negative people. (And don't even get me started on feeling drained in public places. Time for protection techniques!) Once you get your energy under control and boundaries in place, your messages will become more organized and understandable.

Your new mantra: I am grounded. I trust in the process. I claim my own energy.


"I'm scared to talk to Spirit."

When we first start out talking to Spirit, we might actually stand in our own way because we are scared of what it will look like when we actually DO get our messages. 

You don't have to sleep with the covers above your head. When you develop your Intuition in the RIGHT WAY, there's no need for fear. Your Spirit Helpers only want the best for you, and they will be ever-so-careful to make sure you don't run away from your Intuition.

So, it's time to start developing your Intuitive skills in a safe, effective way, and get support when those little "OH MY GHOST" moments come up. (and no, there aren't any ghosts.)

Your new mantra: I trust in the Divine. I am safe.


"Communicating with Spirit is bad. I'll attract bad things."

Some Intuitive seekers have fear of talking to Spirit because of a strict religious background, or the horror films like the Exorcist. If you haven't had experience with something, it can be scary, and the easiest solution is to make it taboo. 

Intuition is a natural skill that can complement your religion. You will never have to choose between your religion & Intuitive skills. (and if someone asks you to... run!)

You've got to follow your excitement, think for yourself, and trust what you know DEEP DOWN to be true. When you develop your relationship with your Spirit Helpers, you actually get protection, and you don't have to worry about those made-up horror movie skits. It's not like it is on TV or in the movies, and you have a Spirit Team waiting and willing to help you! 

Your new mantra: "I am surrounded by love and light."

 "People will think I'm weird."

Not everyone is going to understand your new journey, and you don't HAVE to share it with them. However, you don't have to hide it either. It's up to you what level of privacy you want.

When you work with your Spirit Guides, lighten your vibration, and start taking steps in your Spiritual journey, you start attracting people who are more understanding and similar to you. This is the Law of Attraction and your Spirit Guide Team at work. Putting yourself out there might feel a little uncomfortable if you are an introvert (like me), but when you do, you start to see your "tribe" show up.

It's time to surround yourself with supportive and uplifting people that "light you up," and NOT bring you down.

Your new mantra: I am surrounded by love and support. I welcome new like-minded friends.


I'm going to let you in on a little secret


Even though EVERYONE has the potential to develop their Intuition, receive messages from Spirit, and can offer their own unique gift to this world....


Few people ever take the time to master their specific "gift," or learn the right way to hone and control it.


While anyone can TRY to connect to their Intuition...

...being able to trust, have clarity, and understand the messages they are receiving from their Guides is another story. 


But as long as you can AVOID the BIGGEST EXCUSES that block would-be Intuitives, then your path is cleared!


  • You will be able to clearly communicate with your Spirit Guides and easily clear your Mind so that you can live a more purpose-filled life.

  • You'll stop feeling drained.

  • You'll start trusting the messages you receive.

  • You'll be able to take action that can radically shift your mindset so that you can live your BEST LIFE - An Intuitive life filled with joy and peace, with people and a career that will light up your heart.


The ingredient to all of this is learning how to speak your Intuitive language through a step-by-step process that takes all the guessing out, saving you time and energy while being supported along the way.

With your permission, I would LOVE to show you how to do just this.


4 Intuitive Languages®

The complete 6 week step-by-step Intuition development program that teaches you how to confidently and clearly communicate with your Spirit Guides to receive, understand & trust your Intuitive messages.

6 weeks of step-by-step lessons and lifetime access.

(You can also add-on 6 Q+A sessions for support!)

Great for beginners and more advanced students alike, you'll get the training you need to get your Intuitive side thriving!


Details of all the Modules:

Module 1


Now that you've decided to take the first steps on your Intuitive journey, you need to know who you're talking to in the Spirit world. If you don't, it leads to confusion, fear, and can be a big safety concern.

You want to make sure you are talking with the RIGHT Spirits around you.

I'll demystify the difference between all your Spirit Helpers (specific types of Spirit Guides, Loved Ones, and Angels,) and you will start the communication process with specific Guides. Even if you have no prior knowledge, I break it down into simple easy to follow steps so that you know all the ins and outs of who is around you. You'll get 2 Lessons inside Module 1.

Module Highlights:

  • Determine if you are an Intuitive, Psychic, or a Medium.
  • Plan your Spirit conversations and create consistency for long lasting connection.
  • Meet the Spirit Guides around you and learn about their specialties and how they help you. Learn about the TWO MAIN Spirit Guides for your Intuitive journey and the roles they play in your Intuitive development.
  • Receive chemistry/sensitivity adjustments to more clearly receive their messages.
Module 2


Now that you've learned ALL the ins and outs of your Spirit Guides, you've got to prepare your energy to effectively receive intuitive messages.

Spirit is very light and we are heavier, so you need techniques to raise your vibration to receive.

You'll identify blocks and obstacles weighing you down and remove them so you can be a clear channel. It's time for energetic housekeeping!

You'll get 2 lessons and a worksheet in Module 2.

Module Highlights:

  • Investigate & identify blocks to your Intuition & download a checklist/worksheet to help pinpoint your specific block.
  • Understand & learn about how your Energy System operates, and which chakras help you with Intuition.
  • Increase your vibrational energy and use techniques to become a clear channel.
  • Clear out issues with your 3rd eye and solar plexus, and strengthen the energy & Mind.
Module 3


Now that you have a better understanding of your energy & your Spirit Guides, it's time to prepare to talk to your Guides and receive your messages. Let's call it the "prep" of Spirit communication.

Positive, life altering changes start with our MINDSET, emotions, and energy. When our mindset is in alignment with our goals and our Spirit Guides are on the same page, we manifest the perfect opportunities and relationships in our life. You'll start shifting your mindset by using affirmations for your goals, and that's exactly what I will teach you in this module.

After you've crafted the perfect affirmations, we prepare the runway for Spirit messages by clearing our Mind. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT step in all of the program. If you don't clear your Mind, it can prevent you from receiving messages accurately and really throw you off balance. Clearing the Mind is also a safety precaution and I'll tell you why in the lessons.

You'll get 2 lessons and multiple worksheets & downloads.

Module Highlights:

  • Plan a time to talk with Spirit and download the "Step-by-Step Spirit Guide Meeting Planner" so you'll never be confused about what to say when you talk with them.
  • Create potential life-changing affirmations and download the "Affirmation Creation Formula" to craft the PERFECT mindset for your goals and Life Purpose.
  • Learn quick, easy, and effective techniques to easily clear your Mind in 5 seconds to prepare for Spirit messages.
Module 4


After clearing your Mind in the last module, it's time to actually receive your Spirit messages in your own unique Intuitive language.

I teach you all about the different ways Spirit communicates with you, what it looks, sounds, feels, and IS like to experience an Intuitive/Spirit message. There are four main types of Intuitive Languages, plus a couple that aren't widely known that I refer to as "icing on the cake."

You can have a combination of all of the languages, so it is important to learn all of them, not to mention that they can change over the years and as your sensitivity changes, too! Ready to receive? Here's a message..."Incoming....BOOM." 

You'll get 5 lessons and worksheets.

Module Highlights:

  • Understand all the different ways Spirit can give you messages.
  • Receive answers to: "What does it look like when I get a clairvoyant message?" "How do I tell the difference between my Mind and Spirit's message?' "Do I feel emotions or touches when Spirit communicates?" "I don't see, hear, or feel Spirit... do I get messages another way?"
  • Determine your primary Intuitive language: Seer, Owl, Empath, or Channeler, and streamline your receptivity to the messages you receive.
  • Download & create your Spirit symbol dictionary and learn what symbols Spirit can send (and the meanings) when someone is clairvoyant.
Module 5 (Part 1)


You now know about Spirit, your energy, how to prep for and receive Intuitive messages, but what do the messages mean?  4 Intuitive Languages® are indeed new languages you are learning, so we've got to establish the meaning of symbols, sounds, sensations, and gut knowings that come through for us. Guess what? We don't determine the meaning, but our Spirit Guides DO. We better learn their process, right?

In this module I show you how to have a conversation with your Spirit Guides, and how to determine the meaning of each "word" coming in through the Intuitive "sentence." You'll see my personal conversation with my Guides, and you can see me coach someone else through the process to understand their messages.

The BEST WAY to feel comfortable with your messages is through experience and exercises, so I've packed them in for you to trust and understand what you receive, as well as become MORE SENSITIVE and receptive to their energy.

Module Highlights:

  • Participate in a Spirit circle to develop and enhance your Intuitive sensitivity to your Spirit Guides.
  • Learn HOW, understand, and trust the process of the unique way you receive your Spirit messages. Understand the meaning of your Spirit symbols, feelings, words, and knowings (even tastes and smells, too!)
  • Get in the flow of having a conversation with Spirit and receiving their messages - let it become part of your natural routine.
  • Get your own guidance on the next steps of your life path, and move into your Life Purpose by asking your Spirit Guides to create opportunities for you. Receive their guidance on the next steps you need to take to make it happen!

    You'll get 5 experiential exercises and lessons!
Module 5 (Part 2)


You've learned so much and are now ready to refine, enhance, and control your Intuitive process by adding new techniques! 

It's also time to make sure your energy is protected from needy and negative people that drain your energy whether it's your negative co-workers, your family that doesn't "get you,", or that person that always seems to make the conversation about them. Now that you've become more sensitive, you have to take extra precautions so that you aren't wide open all the time. Empaths need to pay close attention to these exercises!

You'll start a energy cleansing routine to remove outside residue that you may have inadvertently picked up. 

Learning all of these skills set you up for a lifetime of success to master your Intuition.

You'll get 7 experiential exercises & lessons.

Module Highlights:

  • Perform an "energy boundary check" with a partner or by yourself. In order to manage energy drain, it's key to know where your energy starts and stops.
  • Learn your personal protection color vibration and create an "Aura Bubble" of protection. You will also find out which colors NOT to use, too. Become "invisible" to negative energy and protect yourself from negative people.
  • Mediumship 101 - Receive validation through a partner exercise, which is TECHNICALLY an introduction to Mediumship. Nope, you don't have to have a friend do this, you can ask someone in the group to partner up. This is key to trusting your messages!
  • Choose from several cleansing & empowering techniques to use during your day to easily integrate into your normal routine. You choose to use visualizations, or actual tangible tools to help you clear your aura & Mind each and everyday of your life.

Module Bonuses!

  • Learn how to use an Oracle card deck to talk with your Spirit Guides.
  • Learn how to see & perceive Auras.
  • Use your body as an Intuitive tool, telling you which direction to go.
  • Channel messages through automatic and inspirational writing. See Spirit's messages in a tangible way!

Get all of the above in 4 Intuitive Languages®

($1997 value)



Study at your own pace to learn your purpose!

I'm giving you access to my life purpose course! Finally utilize your intuition to connect to your purpose and live it!

Bonus Highlights:

 You'll learn the 7 Life Purpose Archetypes

 What your life purpose really means.

 How to amplify your energetic imprint.

 Connect to your Higher Self & Your 3 Main Archetypes

 Avoid Blocks To Your Purpose & Path

 Bonus Resources, Videos, Audio & Slides


The #1 complaint I hear over and over again from students is they don’t have anyone to talk to about this Spirit stuff.

Well, here ya go. I’ve created a community for you, so you don’t feel so alone out there. In the group, there will be people of all different ages, backgrounds, and experience. FINALLY, a group of people that "get you."

Bonus Highlights:

 Discuss course topics with other like-minded members & receive their support & guidance!

 Tap into the collective knowledge, experience, and insights of Intuitive seekers that have similar Intuitive goals. Support & encouragement from a group of like-minded people is so helpful. Ask your community questions, and receive their support. Troubleshoot any hang up quickly with your fellow Intuitive helpers



When we talk about energy, we HAVE to address the Chakra system! In this mini-course learn to identify your chakras, how to balance them, and sense when there is an imbalance.

You also get two handy-dandy Chakra sheets to download, too. It tells you all about how chakras correspond to the different physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual components of our energetic make-up. Learn which crystals & essential oils work best!

Bonus Highlights:

 Enjoy a video lesson, and download audio and visuals.

 Download the "Chakra Cheat Sheet" to quickly see what colors, sounds, crystals, and oils correspond.

 Download the Chakra Info sheet to learn even more about imbalances and what the chakras DO.


Clear, Strengthen & Open your Intuitive Centers PLUS Meet Your Spirit Guides & Become Lighter

Sometimes we need a little extra help to "get the dust out" and clear obstacles. I've got four guided meditations to help you with just that! You get immediate access to them all when you enroll.

Bonus Highlights:

 White Light Meditation - Strengthen & clear your Aura & Mind. 

 Meeting Your Spirit Guides Meditation - Get to know your Spirit Guides! 

 3rd Eye & Solar Plexus Meditation - Clear & Balance your two main Intuitive centers.

 Lighten your Energy & Remove Guilt/Fear/Ego/Anger Meditation - Time to clear out those blocks holding you back from receiving your messages.


A little Behind The Scenes Tour...


Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

4 Intuitive Languages® 6 Week Program

($1997 Value)

Lifetime access to 6 Modules, 20+ Training video lessons, Worksheet Downloads, Audio & Visual Downloads, and every tool you need to speak your Intuitive Language, talk with your Spirit Guides, and receive their messages.

  • Develop the skills and confidence needed to fully receive your Intuitive guidance and connection to your Spirit Guides.
  • Clearly understand the messages you receive so that you can trust and take the next steps with confidence.
  • Step-by-step training to receive your Intuitive messages from beginning to end. 
  • Eliminate fear & blocks to your Intuitive progress and become lighter, attracting the right relationships and opportunities into your life by working with your Spirit Guide team and receiving their guidance.
  • Protect your energy, become more sensitive, manage/hone your Intuitive skills, and speak your Intuitive languages for a lifetime.

Plus these Bonuses:

Life Purpose Course

($197 Value)

  • Identify & live your life purpose!

Private Student Only Facebook Group 

($497 Value)

  • Access to the closed-door private FB group where you will interact with like-minded Intuitives, form valuable connections, have support, and receive encouragement every step of the way.

Chakra Mini-Course

($150 Value)

  • Learn what everyone is talking about inside this extra mini-course, and discover which chakras work with you during your Intuitive conversations with your Spirit Guides. Download two worksheets to identify imbalances and discover methods to get them back in order so your Intuition can flow.

4 Guided Meditations

($97 Value)

  • Meet your Spirit Guides - A meditation to get acquainted with the loving helpers around you.
  • White Light Meditation - Clear, balance, and strengthen your aura, Mind, and the energy around you.
  • Becoming Lighter/Removing Fear, Ego, Anger, Guilt - Remove the heavy stuff, and lighten your vibe so you can more effectively receive your messages.
  • 3rd Eye & Solar Plexus Meditation - Clean out blockages in your two main Intuitive centers to more clearly receive your messages.

Total Value: $2,938

When you enroll today, you'll get the program + bonuses. Because I'm super excited to welcome you into this supportive group of Intuitives, I'm giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special promo price of just...


Includes Life Purpose Bonus!


Get the Program, Access to previous Q+A recordings &
Life Purpose Bonus Course



Full Program + Support

Includes Life Purpose,
90 Min Past Life Journey &
6 Q+A Sessions!


Get the FULL program, Ask Questions through 6 Q+A Sessions with Whitney



"I didn't think I was Intuitive. Since taking this course, I'm very connected to my Spirit Guides."

MIGGY RODRIGUEZ, School Counselor turned Spiritual Business Owner

Before taking 4 Intuitive Languages®

"I didn't think I was intuitive at all and I didn't see myself as intuitive. I thought it was a gift that only a chosen few have. I felt a lot of fear and insecurities about my intuitive abilities and had very limiting beliefs about intuition."

Why I took the program:

"By taking the course I hoped to learn how to communicate with my Spirit Guides."

Results after taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"I'm very connected to my Spirit Guides. I believe the biggest win I've experienced because of this program is being able to identify and work through the fear that was holding me back. I learned how to communicate with my Spirit Guides through the body pendulum exercise and got answers about the why and how this fear has been blocking me. I was able to connect this block to past and current life experiences so that I can release them.

My life has improved greatly since starting this program. I feel connected to my Spirit Guides and definitely have learned to recognize the many ways they communicate with me. I identified goals and created an action list which includes starting my own business. I feel major improvements in my energy/physical activity recently, taking quick action when needed and processing/recovering from setbacks & challenges way faster than I use to. I just feel so hopeful, inspired, motivated and fearless right now. I KNOW that no matter what comes my way God/Universe/Spirit Guides have my back and will help and guide me!!!

I feel so grateful for Whitney's guidance and truly appreciate the support system that she's created through the FB page. It's so nice to have a place to share my intuitive/spiritual journey since not too many people in my life and/or family can relate.

This is one of the best investments ever! The wisdom and guidance I've received from Whitney is life changing...she's an amazing teacher and mentor!"


"I love the live Q and A's I learn so much more from them"

SHERRY RUSSELL, Learning Specialist & Intuitive Artist

"Some of my favorite parts of the program are the meditations and connections with my guides &the daily ongoing connection with Whitney! I get excited to see what she has sent me next!

I now have a power hour in the morning with my higher self, the meditations, and my guides.

I love the live Q and A's I learn so much more from them and I love to listen to there and hear other people's questions."

" I used to question the messages I received. I am now able to communicate consistently with Spirit."

DENISE LAWSON, Entrepreneur (Owner of Elite Research Management, LLC)

Before taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"I used to question the messages I was receiving and where they were coming from. I would randomly receive messages but had no formal acknowledgment or training prior to the class.  I was pretty confused and didn't know how to deal with the messages and unwanted communications at times."

Why I took the program:

"I wanted an organized program that would provide clarity and practices regarding intuition and spirit communication and how to use that information in terms of manifesting progress in my life's purpose."

Results after taking 4 Intuitive Languages®: 

"The program really opened up a whole new world for me. It made so many of my previous intuitive experiences make sense and confirmed for me that there is so much more around us and within us than I was aware of. 

I am now able to communicate consistently with spirit and protect myself.  

I'm much happier now and have set goals to work towards in terms of my personal and professional life."

My advice to anyone that is thinking about enrolling in the program: 

"It's an excellent basis of information for anyone that believes they are receiving messages from spirit, or wants to. It's an excellent course that provides techniques to protect yourself from negative energy. The information gives you the tools to move forward with manifesting the life that you desire."


(and doing over 10,000 readings),

I've taken everything I've learned from
communicating with Spirit and channeled it into
a comprehensive, step-by-step training program
that not only teaches you the what's why's and who's
of Spirit and Intuition, but actually
HOW to effectively receive your Intuitive messages.




You'll have a complete, meticulous, step-by-step plan that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted. Everything you need to receive Intuitive messages is all in one place.

The End Result:

Have clarity and confidence in receiving Intuitive messages from your Spirit Guides so you can make aligned decisions, lighten your vibration, and attract the right opportunities in alignment with your path.


4 Intuitive Languages®
is the only program of it's kind that...




Even if you're juggling the kids, starting/growing your own spiritual business, or about to go on vacation, you can come back to this course at anytime. You get lifetime access. There's no rushing.  

A new module opens up each week, so you don't feel overwhelmed with all the information! 




The program is designed to get you the quickest results possible from start to finish. Everything you need to catapult your Intuition is all in one place and taught in the order you need! From learning about who Spirit Guides are and what your Intuition means, to having a full blown conversation with them. No more piecing things together!




It doesn't matter if you are a complete newbie at a beginner level who wants to develop and open your Intuitive abilities, or if you've had previous Intuitive training and are super sensitive and need to hone and refine your gifts. This program assumes nothing and starts at ground zero so that you get all of the education you need about Spirit Guides, Intuition, and how to receive your messages, while giving you techniques to control and manage super sensitive abilities.




Whether you need help protecting yourself from energy drain at work or from negative naysayers in the family, or you are a practicing Medium, counselor, or coach who needs to block emotional energy from clients, you need a thorough foundation and structure to support your work with this program. You'll get effective techniques so you know where your energy begins and ends, and get relief from the energy vampires.


So if you’re ready to finally cultivate your Intuitive gifts, trust the messages you are getting, and learn how to communicate with your Spirit Guides through your intuition without self-doubt, energy drain, and confusion, 


Here's how we'll help you get here:

"My spiritual abilities have seemed to skyrocket since taking 4 Intuitive Languages® and applying the skills."- Thomas

"Before I studied with Whitney, I felt like I was missing a huge piece of my intuition because it didn’t look like my mentor’s. I expected this cookie cutter version of Spirit that just isn’t there. And I really struggled with “just knowing."

"Whitney showed me how to communicate with Spirit in a way that worked for me.

I was able to use that to follow my intuition to get a better paying job, and increased my salary by 45%!"

Candace Gurley


Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

4 Intuitive Languages® 6 Week Program

($1997 Value)

Lifetime access to 6 Modules, 20+ Training video lessons, Worksheet Downloads, Audio & Visual Downloads, and every tool you need to speak your Intuitive Language, talk with your Spirit Guides, and receive their messages.

  • Develop the skills and confidence needed to fully receive your Intuitive guidance and connection to your Spirit Guides.
  • Clearly understand the messages you receive so that you can trust and take the next steps with confidence.
  • Step-by-step training to receive your Intuitive messages from beginning to end. 
  • Eliminate fear & blocks to your Intuitive progress and become lighter, attracting the right relationships and opportunities into your life by working with your Spirit Guide team and receiving their guidance.
  • Protect your energy, become more sensitive, manage/hone your Intuitive skills, and speak your Intuitive languages for a lifetime.

Plus these Bonuses:

12 Q+A Sessions with Whitney

($997 Value)

  • You'll get 12 Q+A sessions with Whitney. That's a year of support!

Private Student Only Facebook Group 

($497 Value)

  • Access to the closed-door private FB group where you will interact with like-minded Intuitives, form valuable connections, have support, and receive encouragement every step of the way.

Chakra Mini-Course

($150 Value)

  • Learn what everyone is talking about inside this extra mini-course, and discover which chakras work with you during your Intuitive conversations with your Spirit Guides. Download two worksheets to identify imbalances and discover methods to get them back in order so your Intuition can flow.

4 Guided Meditations

($97 Value)

  • Meet your Spirit Guides - A meditation to get acquainted with the loving helpers around you.
  • White Light Meditation - Clear, balance, and strengthen your aura, Mind, and the energy around you.
  • Becoming Lighter/Removing Fear, Ego, Anger, Guilt - Remove the heavy stuff, and lighten your vibe so you can more effectively receive your messages.
  • 3rd Eye & Solar Plexus Meditation - Clean out blockages in your two main Intuitive centers to more clearly receive your messages.

Total Value: $2,938

When you enroll today, you'll get the program + bonuses. Because I'm super excited to welcome you into this supportive group of Intuitives, I'm giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special promo price of just...


Includes Life Purpose Bonus!


Get the Program, Access to previous Q+A recordings &
Life Purpose Bonus Course



Full Program + Support

Includes Life Purpose,
90 Min Past Life Journey &
6 Q+A Sessions!


Get the FULL program, Ask Questions through 6 Q+A Sessions with Whitney


"My biggest win is knowing for sure that I have the ability to communicate with Spirit! 

I have had a premonition, I have seen orbs, I can smell the scent of my guide, and more."

Joleen Moore


After taking the Oracle card training in 4 Intuitive Languages® -

"I can intuitively and accurately read Oracle Cards! - And KNOW that I am intuitive - FOR REAL! Spirit wants to communicate and I'm not alone in this life. I'm fully supported.

Krystal Rodgers


" I felt stuck before the program. Now, I have this knowing and can hear my Intuition so clearly! I am so thankful for the 4 Intuitive Languages® Program"

SARAH KARBULKA, Hospital Pharmacist 

Before taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"I have been a seeker since my early 20's on the spiritual journey for many years, but I felt stuck and was not confident in my own abilities."

Why I took the program:

"I was hoping to deepen my connection with spirit. I wasn't exactly clear how or what that would mean. I just knew I wanted to hear my own intuition."

Results after taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"It is amazing. I have this knowing now (claircognizance) and I can hear my intuition so clearly. I am no longer seeking the answers outside of myself and there is a peaceful feeling where there used to be doubt, anxiety and confusion. I wish I could explain it but the best word I can find is peace. I also know that this is just the beginning and that I can continue to develop these gifts. 

I am excited to be on this journey and am so thankful for the 4 Intuitive Languages®.

It's an amazing course because it includes the course itself, access to Whitney through the weekly calls and the private FB group. These things add up and compound together to create a very unique program that builds on itself and slowly carries you through. It was a combination of each of the methods that slowly "woke me up" to what had been there all along.The ability to trust myself and my intuition. I cannot tell you what a difference this has made in my life."

Advice to those thinking of enrolling:

"Do it! You won't regret it!"

4 Intuitive Languages® Guarantee

Let me say this upfront.

4 Intuitive Languages® is the most comprehensive, step-by-step Intuition program for those wanting to receive, understand, and trust the Intuitive messages coming from their Spirit Guides.

Our community is filled with helpful, motivated, inspiring, and super-supportive members who are all wanting to connect to their Intuition, Spirit, and follow their Intuitive guidance for a higher vibration and follow their Life Purpose.

Now here's the kicker.

As soon as you enroll, you will have access to all the lessons inside Module 1. Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to get a feel for what you will be learning, my style, and all about your Spirit Guides who you will be talking to throughout your Intuitive journey, before making a final commitment.

Within 24 hours of enrollment, if you don't feel inspired, don't feel like you will mesh with my style, or just feel like it's not the right decision for you, email [email protected]  and as long as you haven't downloaded any audios, slides, or meditations, and we'll refund your investment. Full details here.

Listen, I get it!


This all looks great, but while it's obvious 4 Intuitive Languages® teaches you how to understand your intuition
and clearly speak with your Spirit Guides...


... you aren't sure if it's going to work for you.


Let's break down who will thrive in this program:


You’re going to love 4 Intuitive Languages® if you’re:

✅  An intuitive and ambitious soul looking to understand and trust the messages you're receiving from Spirit and your Intuition.

✅  Ready to receive Spiritual guidance to feel confident in making aligned decisions in life and business so you can fulfill your life purpose.

✅  Desiring a rock-solid relationship with your Spirit Guides so they can create aligned and amazing opportunities for you.

✅  Wanting more clarity in your life’s purpose so that you can get rid of self-doubt and share your gifts with the World

✅  Stop freaking second-guessing yourself (no more long “this” or “that” mind games) on what you’re receiving from your Guides!

You’re in the right place and I’m going to tell you exactly how the 4 Intuitive Languages® will give you the tools, inspiration, and unparalleled support on your journey to confidently receiving messages from your Spirit Guides.

4 Intuitive Languages®  is NOT for you if:

❌  You don’t plan on really utilizing your intuitive abilities to make aligned decisions in life and business so you can live your life purpose in your everyday life. When you’re ready to do that, I’ll be the first to welcome you inside.

❌  You want to immediately feel like you can do professional readings. While I do include a “Readings 101” training - and this program will definitely help you connect to your Spirit Guides, intuition, and even Loved Ones in Spirit - this program is not a mediumship training and focuses on helping you confidently trust the intuitive messages you’re receiving.

❌  You’re in a very negative or unstable place right now. While connecting to Spirit can be so heart-warming and healing, it’s not a substitute for professional therapy and that needs to be the priority before you take this course.

Since I’m a Certified Medium, I’ll be giving you examples and stories from my own life and Spirit Guides— and there’s no reason you can’t apply this to the way you receive intuitive messages.

YES! I'm the perfect fit! Sign me up!

 “Before 4 Intuitive Languages® I had no skillset to speak of (with my intuition.)

Now, I have lots more signs and confirmations that I AM intuitive.

(In searching for a home) I had a dream about a specific animal and when I viewed the home, the animal was on the shelf. We put in an offer, and it was accepted immediately!”

Jenelle Schroeder


If we haven’t met at a crystal shop in Sedona before…

Hey, I’m Whitney— 
intuition teacher, Spirit Guide expert, dog lover, and *unofficial* pro chili vegan gluten-free chef in my household…


 And ooof — the road from being scared sh!tless from what Spirit was telling me… embracing my intuitive gifts has been a transformational one.

I'll back up more than a decade ago when I was...

 Feeling stuck in my life path and wasn’t sure which way to go.

 Suffering from mysterious health problems.

 Giving ALL my energy away to negative and needy people.


I felt lost, confused, and stuck in the same cycle, not sure how to break free towards my life purpose.

And naturally, I just couldn’t see the higher perspective at the time.

I *knew* something had to change and that my life was meant for more.


I needed to…

 Find my life purpose and start a career I loved.

➤ Have a direct line of Spirit Guidance and support, so that I knew what the next right step was on my path.

 Learn how to conserve, protect, and manage my empathic ability while at the same time, open my Intuition. 

So I took every step necessary to do exactly that — committing wholeheartedly, even though it freaked me out inside.


After developing my intuition with the support of training and mentorship 
to understand and trust messages from my Spirit Guides…

I finally worked with my Guides to make a transformational shift:

Leaving my job and starting my own successful, 6-figure business (even though everyone around me thought I couldn’t).

➤ Living my life purpose — to serve souls like you — and I’ve helped 10,000 students and clients connect to their spirit guides (no biggie) and cultivated a community of 30,000+ seekers.

Finding my life partner — even when I wasn’t seeking a relationship (thanks for guiding him to me, Spirit!) — and totally gets my “woo” side.

Multiple visibility opportunities — I became a Certified Medium, taught in Lily Dale, New York, spoke at the Illuminate Film Festival, had my own radio show, and have had articles published in OMTimes (I’m famous! Just kidding.).

Finding support from like-minded community, personally and professionally, who have challenged me to rise higher than I thought possible.

Serving from a full cup instead of feeling like a straw sucking away at an empty cup, trying to scrounge up drops of energy (because my guides send me opportunities in alignment with my path).


And most importantly, trusting my intuition is the #1 tool I use to say HECK YES to the things that light me up and NO WAY to the things that don’t — even when they’re scary AF.

Even when your logical brain can’t figure out HOW it will happen, when you follow your intuition, you can…

➤ Live your life purpose

➤ Attract amazingly aligned relationships, clients, and business opportunities

➤ Increase your prosperity.

➤ Learn to really LOVE yourself.


Ready to utilize your intuition in the way it was meant FOR YOU? (Not what it looks like in the movies)

Yes! I'm ready!

“Being around like-minded people in Whitney’s community has really helped. Practice readings for others gave me validation that I do, in fact, have the abilities to do this as my readings were pretty accurate! It gave me reassurance.”

Karina Kollstrom


Questions, Comments, Crystals?

My Intuition told me you have questions....Here's what our most successful students asked before joining the 4 Intuitive Languages®

Thanks for asking! Great question. All of the lessons are pre-recorded for you, so you can watch them at your convenience. If you can't watch a lesson one week, no big deal. You can catch up at your own pace. Everything is recorded, and you have lifetime access! I built this program for your convenience, so there's no more "I don't have time" excuses. You don't need another block holding you back from developing your Intuition.

If you feel a strong desire to commit to this program, I encourage you to do it now, as this price and these bonuses are limited and enrollment only opens up a few times a year.

Take action now, watch later. Don't wait. That's definitely what I recommend so you get all the time sensitive bonuses.

So even if your schedule is slammed, you're growing your business, you're going on vacation, or juggling the kids, you can watch it at anytime.

You have lifetime access to the group and to the course and recordings!

Anyone can connect to Spirit, and nope, there is no special ability or super power to do so. You just need to develop your sensitivity and learn how YOU, uniquely get your intuitive messages.

A lot of myths floating around say that you have to see, hear, or feel Spirit, or be BORN Intuitive... however Spirit Guide School with 4 Intuitive Languages® talks about ALL ways to receive Spirit messages and ANYONE can learn how to receive their messages.

All you need is:

1) A desire to connect to Spirit

2) Willingness to leave your Ego at the door and

3) Do the exercises consistently.


I totally get why you asked this! It's a common fear. The good news is, I think you are going to like the answer:

No, connecting to your Spirit Guides does NOT open you up to bad things.

I teach a safe, effective system where you don’t need to focus on the fear. (We work on this in Module 2.)

Developing your Intuition will make you more aware of what is already around you, but your Spirit Guides will make sure to clear anything that was funky, out of the mix.

Plus, you get protection techniques  and you have a Spirit Guide Team, where certain Guides, do the protection work for you, so you don't need to worry about it! That's a relief, for sure!

4 Intuitive Languages® is a group intuition program which means, no one will have private 1-on-1 access to Whitney, but you'll have access to the recordings of previous Q&A sessions.

For students that choose the FULL program option of $497, they will get opportunities to ask her your questions in 6 Q&As!

Right now our schedule is such that you'll get a year of support (1 Q+A a month for 6 months after your purchase!*) You don't need to show up LIVE in order to get this support. We send you a form in advance to ask Whitney questions and she records it on video for you to watch on your own time.

*schedule subject to change

Great question! This program is trademarked and copyrighted so you can't find it anywhere else :)

Thanks for asking! It's always good to be prepared!

Modules & Lessons:

There are 6 weeks of Modules.

You will have immediate access to Module 1. Each week you will get access to the next module.

I really thought hard about this. I feel it's best to really dive deep into each Module and get comfortable with it for a week, until you move onto the next. There's a couple reasons:

1) Your Spirit Guides might need time to make some sensitivity adjustments and

2) Some students can feel overwhelmed and run away from their Intuition if there's too much at once.


You will have immediate access to your 4 Guided Meditations.

You will also get a link to our private FB group about an hour after enrollment. Please apply to the group and make sure to answer the 3 questions. Once you answer all the questions, please allow 48 business hours to be granted access to the group.

You will have access to your Chakra Mini Course after you've watched Module 2.

You can always ask our team: [email protected] if you have a specific question. 

(Business hours do not include weekends.)


Nope, this is not a subscription service, meaning you can't cancel your payments.

You can workout a payment plan option with Affirm, Afterpay, or Klarna. They pay us up front, but you get to make payments to them. All payment plans will be through their service. We don't manage your payment options.

Not at all! All levels of development are welcome! This program assumes nothing and teaches you everything from scratch ;) You will be learning everything you need to know in the course.

This is a smart question! Each student is on their own path, and will have their own time commitment. Those that put a lot of time and effort into the program, will receive the best results.

Remember, the lessons are pre-recorded so that you can watch at your own convenience!

We recommend to put at least 1-2 hours per week on watching the lessons and making time per week to implement the exercises. However, if you have 15 minutes, do 15 minutes! Some is better than none. 30 minutes each day outside of watching the lessons, would be ideal.

Great question to plan your budget! When you checkout/enroll, choose Klarna, Afterpay, or Affirm and they will tell you your custom payment plan options. 

Some of our students also choose to use PayPal Credit by applying for PayPal Credit and then once approved, checking out with PayPal!

Your payment plan will be based soley through the companies above that you choose, and not Messenger of Spirit, LLC.

Thanks for asking and I think you will love the answer:

This means you have lifetime access to the lessons, bonuses, recordings & meditations in the program which means: the lifetime of the program itself. Lifetime access is contingent on honoring the terms and conditions and making your payments in full.

4 Intuitive Languages® is the most comprehensive, step-by-step Intuition training program for those wanting to receive, understand, and trust the Intuitive messages coming from their Spirit Guides.

Our community is filled with helpful, motivated, inspiring, and super-supportive members who are all wanting to connect to their Intuition, Spirit, and follow their Intuitive guidance for a higher vibration and follow their Life Purpose.

As soon as you enroll, you will have access to all the lessons inside Module 1. Meaning, you'll have had the opportunity to get a feel for what you will be learning, my style, and all about your Spirit Guides who you will be talking to throughout your Intuitive journey, before making a final commitment.

Within 24 hours of enrollment, if you don't feel inspired, don't feel like you will mesh with my style, or just feel like it's not the right decision for you, email [email protected]  and as long as you haven't downloaded any audios, slides, or meditations, and we'll refund your investment.

I want to have students that are excited about this program, and I usually attract the go-getters who are ready to make this next step in their life! Full details can be found here.

"Your Spirit Guides will open doors in ways you never expected!" 

CHANDRA ARRINGTON, Community Manager/Entrpreneur


Before taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"I knew I had Intuition, but I thought it just happened when it needed to. I didn't know I could actively participate in it."

Why I took the program:

"I was excited to take the program because I wanted a greater connection to my Higher Self and to the Universe."

 Results after taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"Since taking the course, I think about everything in a more spiritual way. When I was lost in doubt I got “trust the words” during my morning Spirit conversation. After the meeting I was looking at something on line and saw the number 444. So I looked up the meaning. Major validation!!

I've learned that if I do my part, am sincere in what I ask, trust Spirit and follow the opportunities they offer; they will open doors in ways you never expected. Just this morning I felt like I needed some personal direction. Well, on the live call tonight I got to ask my questions Live and have a quick chat with Whitney on my biggest issue. Once I committed to follow up on their direction, Spirit created the opportunity for me!"

My advice to anyone thinking about taking this program:

"DO IT!! This course explains the concepts in ways you can easily understand. It’s taught with no pretense. The way Whitney explains things so clearly and simply, it makes any “fear of the unknown” someone might have had at the start seem silly and totally unnecessary."

"The Aura Bubble Empathic Protection Exercise has helped a lot. It definitely helps around big crowds and situations where I know I’m going to be around a lot of intense energy. I have a much deeper understanding and feel less alone about my experiences. Thank you!"

Ashley Dillard


4 Intuitive Languages®
is PERFECT for you if…

  1. You're just getting started and learning more about this world of Intuition & Spirit, and you want to make sure you communicate with Spirit in the RIGHT way, so you don't waste time, or get caught up in the fear cycle of who you are talking to, how to get the message, what to say, or when to do it.
  2. You've tried other techniques and self-doubt has crept in. You aren't sure if what you are getting is right or if you can trust the messages you receive. In fact, sometimes you aren't really sure what the difference is between what your Mind made up and what you are receiving through your Intuition. You need a clear method to be able to connect to Spirit so you can follow your guidance, and you are tired to piecing together books, meditations, and different guidance from many teachers. You are ready to get out of the "Which one is right?" zone.
  3. You're empathic and already KNOW that you are super sensitive. You know that you could function SO MUCH better if you had techniques to protect your energy from being drained. Heck yea, you'll do the homework because you know that it would be life-changing if you didn't feel everyone else's emotions, negativity, and stress! 
  4. You're a go-getter and are ready to do what it takes to get the results you want. You have no problem putting in a couple hours a week to be more connected to your Spirit Guides. You are committed to doing the exercises on a regular basis. If you can’t start until a month from now, that’s fine. But you know when you start, you are going on an Intuitive journey and no looking back! 
  5. You're afraid that if you DON'T start taking action, you will never be aligned with your LIFE PURPOSE and be stuck in the same unfulfilling  "I wish things were different" cycle. You want to look back on your life and feel like you've made a difference in this world by using your gifts. You are so excited to actually receive your Intuitive guidance and learn more about the opportunities your Spirit Guides can present so you can take the next RIGHT steps towards your LIFE PURPOSE.
  6. You already know you are an Intuitive / Psychic / Medium sensitive, but have a hard time controlling your abilities. Maybe you don’t call it Intuition, but you are super sensitive to people’s emotions and feelings and need to harness it. 
  7. You really want to learn how to trust, believe, and have clarity & confidence with the messages you receive, and feel protected the entire time. You can't quite figure out what an Intuitive message looks, sounds, or feels like and want someone to ask questions to to help have that understanding.
  8. You have trouble discerning between what is an Intuitive message vs something your Mind made up. You need help clearing your Mind and are tired of second guessing yourself.  You feel yourself thinking thinking thinking.. And get stuck in the hamster wheel of thought. You know that with the right techniques, you can catapult your Intuition.
  9. You're aware at how clearly receiving your Intuitive messages from your Spirit Guides can radically & positively change your life by taking action on their guidance. You've already had a big life change, and you are ready to learn more about what's out there.
  10. You're ready to find a supportive group of people that just "get you." The current people around you don't believe in your Intuitive gifts, and it's so defeating when you don't have validation. You know that with the right support system, your abilities can really shine, and you won't be afraid to really be yourself.
  11. You're ready to dive in and do this! You are so excited and have been waiting for an opportunity to really hone & open up your Intuitive skills and feel a YES in your gut!  Even if you've been side tracked before, you know this is the RIGHT next step for you in your Spiritual journey! 
  12. You know it's time to invest in yourself, and make you and your intuitive gifts a priority! You've put yourself on the back burner way too long, and now it's your time to shine! You know that when you put yourself as a priority, everything else falls into place, like dominoes. It's a small investment considering the positive lasting outcomes you'll have in your life. You've been wanting to do something for yourself for a while, and here it is! Ready, set, let's go!

If you said “yes” to at least 3 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside 4 Intuitive Languages®.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

4 Intuitive Languages® 6 Week Program

($1997 Value)

Lifetime access to 6 Modules, 20+ Training video lessons, Worksheet Downloads, Audio & Visual Downloads, and every tool you need to speak your Intuitive Language, talk with your Spirit Guides, and receive their messages.

  • Develop the skills and confidence needed to fully receive your Intuitive guidance and connection to your Spirit Guides.
  • Clearly understand the messages you receive so that you can trust and take the next steps with confidence.
  • Step-by-step training to receive your Intuitive messages from beginning to end. 
  • Eliminate fear & blocks to your Intuitive progress and become lighter, attracting the right relationships and opportunities into your life by working with your Spirit Guide team and receiving their guidance.
  • Protect your energy, become more sensitive, manage/hone your Intuitive skills, and speak your Intuitive languages for a lifetime.

Plus these Bonuses:

Life Purpose Course

($197 Value)

  • Identify & live your life purpose!

Private Student Only Facebook Group 

($497 Value)

  • Access to the closed-door private FB group where you will interact with like-minded Intuitives, form valuable connections, have support, and receive encouragement every step of the way.

Chakra Mini-Course

($150 Value)

  • Learn what everyone is talking about inside this extra mini-course, and discover which chakras work with you during your Intuitive conversations with your Spirit Guides. Download two worksheets to identify imbalances and discover methods to get them back in order so your Intuition can flow.

4 Guided Meditations

($97 Value)

  • Meet your Spirit Guides - A meditation to get acquainted with the loving helpers around you.
  • White Light Meditation - Clear, balance, and strengthen your aura, Mind, and the energy around you.
  • Becoming Lighter/Removing Fear, Ego, Anger, Guilt - Remove the heavy stuff, and lighten your vibe so you can more effectively receive your messages.
  • 3rd Eye & Solar Plexus Meditation - Clean out blockages in your two main Intuitive centers to more clearly receive your messages.

Total Value: $2,938

When you enroll today, you'll get the program + bonuses. Because I'm super excited to welcome you into this supportive group of Intuitives, I'm giving you the opportunity to enroll TODAY at the special promo price of just...


Includes Life Purpose Bonus!


Get the Program, Access to previous Q+A recordings &
Life Purpose Bonus Course



Full Program + Support

Includes Life Purpose,
90 Min Past Life Journey &
6 Q+A Sessions!


Get the FULL program, Ask Questions through 6 Q+A Sessions with Whitney


"My confidence in myself has increased. I feel my abilities are fine tuned now and I gave the tools to continue. During one of the exercises of reading each other, the other student validated that the image I had was something that was true of her life."

Maureen Heller


"My life is amazing now that I've discovered other like-minded people. I don't have to hide it! (my abilities)." 


 Before taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"I was confused and not very in tune with my Intuition. I knew it was there but never really paid attention to it."

Why I took the program:

"To connect with my Guides on a much higher level and understand them."

Results after taking 4 Intuitive Languages®:

"I have learned I have 5 Spirit Guides! You're always learning and can come back for more.. And that Spirit Guides are always with you! My life is amazing now that I discovered I have other people like me (Like-minds) and I don't have to hide it!!"

My advice to anyone thinking about taking this program:

"Patience. Give your Guides time. Don't be in rush to have the answer. "

"Before starting Whitney's Intuitive development program, I had no idea what it all meant. After the program, I was able to give detailed Spirit messages to others like receiving messages about their upcoming pregnancy, specific herbs growing in their garden, a scar they had on their forearm, and their Loved Ones in Spirit. Totally unexpected."

- Beth-Anne

"We just got back from a trip to Gettysburg. The last time we went I had not learned to ground and my intuitive journey was just starting and was bombarded with energy causing nausea & anxiety. This time (since taking 4 Intuitive Languages®), I was aware of the energy but totally felt that my aura was protected. "

- Lisa

A Final Note From Whitney

Regardless of whether you decide to join 4 Intuitive Languages® later or not, I encourage you to begin setting aside the the time and start taking the steps to hone your intuition.

Take it from me and learn from my mistakes: The more I ignored the signs from my Spirit Guides on following my life’s purpose, leaving an unhealthy relationship and job, and improving my physical health, the more I felt disconnected, confused, and stuck in the second-guessing.

I realized I was missing the signs that would have stopped me from feeling drained and lost on which paths to take.

You might already know this is EXACTLY what you have been looking for to eliminate fear & blocks to your intuition and attract the right relationships, clients, and opportunities into your life and business by working with your Spirit Guide team and receiving their messages.

While being on any spiritual journey can be challenging, having the right tools and mentor to move through it with ease will help you gain clarity on all of the *right* answers you’ve been looking for.

I know you’re ready to connect with your life’s highest purpose and live fully in your intuitive gifts.

Don’t wait until your signs from Spirit become harder to understand...making a commitment NOW to yourself, to your intuition, and to your Spirit Guides. The world is waiting for your gifts!



PS- Are you ready to learn the step-by-step process to start receiving your messages from your Spirit Guides? 

Click here to get started TODAY!

50% Complete

Two Step

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